Difference between heat and temperature

Difference between heat and temperature

Everything around us has energy. Energy exists in different types in everybody. It can be thermal energy, light energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, etc. Difference between heat and temperature. Energies within a body convert from one form to another to store in that body. Energies transfer from one body to another, sometimes by changing their form and sometimes remaining in the same form.

Every Body that has a temperature of more than 0 K possesses some thermal energy. The energy depends upon the movement of molecules within that body. Heat is a part of the thermal energy, and temperature is a property of the thermodynamic system.

In daily conversation, we often use the words heat and temperature. These two words have precise meanings in physics.

What is Heat?

Heat refers to the amount of thermal energy transferred from a hotter region to a colder region. We say that something is heated up when the molecules of that body gain kinetic and potential energy. Heat travels from a hotter region to a colder region as it has a functional ability. The transfer of heat is measured in Joule by the calorimeter. The symbol Q defines heat. Heat is known as a derived quantity as it cannot be determined directly by an instrument.

Heat is an essential form of energy that require for our basic needs. It is used for cooking, maintaining our body temperature, and industrial processes. There are many sources to get heat. The sun is papular to be the most significant source of heat energy. Metabolism within our body maintains the heat within our body.

For commercial uses, fossil fuels are burnt to produce heat. E.g., wood, coal, oil, and gas. The heat from the burning of coal and oil is used to produce electricity in thermal power stations. Gas is burnt on stoves to cook food. And oil is burnt in the car to provide it energy to work. Nuclear reactions like fission and fusion produce heat as well. Another source of heat is papular biomass gas.

Every object or body made up of molecules. When a body heat, the molecules start to vibrate quickly, hitting each other, allowing the object to expand—this expansion is known as thermal expansion. On the contrary, when an object cools down, the molecules within them settle down nearer and closer, allowing the object to contract—this is papular as thermal contraction.

What is Temperature?

Temperature refers to how hot or cold an object is. We can define temperature as the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance. An object, when heated, raises its

temperature, and the temperature falls when it gets cool. Hence, the temperature does not possess the functional ability. Temperature measured in Kelvin by a thermometer. The symbol T defines temperature. Temperature is papular as a fundamental quantity as it can measure directly by an instrument.

We can quickly tell if something has a high or a low temperature by touching it. For example, a cup of tea is hot when we touch it, so it has a high temperature. Whereas the ice-cold when it touch by the finger, making it lower in temperature.

Are there any similarities between heat and temperature?

There are few similarities between heat and temperature. Heat and temperature are scalar quantities that only have a magnitude, unlike a vector quantity with a magnitude and a direction. Heat and temperature are measurable and quantifiable. Although heat and temperature interrelate, they can present in a body separately too.

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Let’s have a look at the differences between heat and temperature side by side.

  • Heat is a form of thermal energy. However, temperature is not a form of thermal energy. It’s just a thermal state of an object. Temperature can also define as the kinetic energy of all the molecules in an object.
  • The flow of heat (loss or gain) results in a change of temperature.
  • Heat judge on mass dependency, so even if two bodies have the same temperature, they may have different amounts of heat.
  • Temperature cannot exchange between two bodies. But heat is exchangeable. It can move from one body to another.
  • Temperature cannot flow from one body to another. So, the temperature of a body can measure. But the heat of a body cannot measure. As heat transfers from one body to another, the exchange of heat can measure only. Hence, the loss and gain of heat are measurable.
  • The calorimeter is a device that measures the transfer of heat between two bodies, and a thermometer measures the temperature of a body.
  • The SI unit of heat is Joule(J) and calorie (Cal) in the CGS system. Temperature measured in degree centigrade (C °) and kelvin(K).

  • The dimensions of heat are [M L2 T–2], and temperature is [θ].

  • Heat a derived property of a body; hence it unit derive on too. Whereas temperature is a principal property of a body and its unit is also a base unit.
  • Heat has a property to flow, so it cannot say as a part of a thermodynamic system. On the other hand, temperature comprises a property of the thermodynamic system.
  • Heat travels through a path, and temperature works on a point function. This means that heat will follow the path of the thermodynamic system to travel from
  • One body to another. Whereas temperature does not travel. It is a fixed property of a thermodynamic system.
  • They do not own heat in their bodies. It will flow from a body of higher temperature to the one with lower temperature. The temperature of a body decides the movement of heat. Temperature decided whether or not heat will take place in a body.
  • The capacity of heat depends upon the mass of a body, but the temperature is not mass-dependent.

Thermodynamics Heat and Temperature

Thermodynamics is the system behind both heat and temperature. They both work together to help the energy move from a hotter region to a more fabulous region. Temperature is an average measurement of a body; however, heat depends upon the number of molecules.

We can sum up the difference between heat and temperature by a simple example. The water on the burner heats up by the burning of gas. And the temperature of that water can measure by a thermometer.

People often think of heat and temperature as something hot. However, after going through this blog, you better understand how different these terms are. Yes, it’s easy for an average person to confuse these terms.

We would suggest you keep exploring if you are a physics geek. Energy is quite fascinating, and. you can find out 12 different types of energies that are usually around us.

Also read: Difference between rtgs and neft


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